

脳科学の分野で開発されたイメージング技術(光学計測法:Optical Imaging)を眼底撮影および光干渉断層計(OCT)に応用することにより、霊長類およびヒトの視細胞の詳細な機能的トポグラフィー(神経活動の分布図)を眼底カメラ(図1)およびOCT(図2)にて非侵襲的に短時間で作成することに初めて成功しました。この検査法の応用により、網膜の生理的、病的機能の解明や、実験系における治療効果の判定などに大きく寄与することが期待されます。



  • Tsunoda K, Oguchi Y, Hanazono G and Tanifuji M.
    ‘Mapping Cone- and Rod- Induced Retinal Responsiveness in Macaque by Optical Imaging’
    Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2004; vol.45, no. 10, 3820 - 3826
  • G Hanazono, K Tsunoda, K Shinoda, K Tsubota, Y Miyake and M Tanifuji
    ‘Intrinsic Signal Imaging in Macaque's Retina Reveals Different Types of Flash-induced Light Reflectance Changes of Different Origins’
    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2007, vol. 48, no.6, 2903 - 2912
  • Koichi Inomata, Kazushige Tsunoda, Gen Hanazono, Yoko Kazato, Kei Shinoda, Mitsuko Yuzawa, Manabu Tanifuji, and Yozo Miyake
    ‘Distribution of Retinal Responses Evoked by Trans-scleral Electrical Stimulation Detected by Intrinsic Signal Imaging in Macaque Monkeys’
    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2008, vol. 49, no.5, 2193 - 2200
  • Gen Hanazono, Kazushige Tsunoda, Yoko Kazato, Kazuo Tsubota and Manabu Tanifuji
    ‘Evaluating Neural Activity of Retinal Ganglion Cells by Flash-evoked Intrinsic Signal Imaging in Macaque Retina’
    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2008, vol. 49, no.10, 4655 - 4663
  • Tsunoda K, Hanazono G, Inomata K, Kazato Y, Suzuki W, Tanifuji M.
    ‘Origins of retinal intrinsic signals: a series of experiments on retinas of macaque monkeys’
    Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2009 Jul;53(4):297-314. Epub 2009 Sep 8.
  • G Hanazono, K Tsunoda, Y Kazato, W Suzuki, and M Tanifuji
    ‘Functional topography of rod and cone photoreceptors in macaque retina determined by retinal densitometry’
    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2012 May 14;53(6):2796-803.
  • Suzuki W, Tsunoda K, Hanazono G, Tanifuji M.
    ‘Stimulus-induced changes of reflectivity detected by optical coherence tomography in macaque retina.’
    Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013 Sep; 54(9):6345-54